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Hay Products

40 lbs. Packaged Timothy Hay

Our Packaged Timothy Hay is used for Rabbits, Chinchillas, & Guinea Pigs. Our hay bales are 35 lbs. of straight timothy hay. We package our timothy hay bales to keep the hay from getting all over your house and/or your vehicle. Instead of paying an average of $5.00 per pound, our prices start at $0.60 per pound. 

1 - 50 bales : $30 / bale

51+ : Call Us

20 lbs. Packaged Timothy Hay

This product is used for the small herbivore (Rabbits, Chinchillas, & Guinea Pigs) families (2 - 5 animal family) who do not need a Full Packaged Timothy Hay bale. The dimensions are approximately 14" x 18" x 20" and roughly 20 lbs.

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1 - 50 bales : $30 / bale

51+ : Call Us

10 lbs. Packaged Timothy Hay

This product is used for the small herbivore (Rabbits, Chinchillas, & Guinea Pigs) families (1 - 2 animal family) who do not need a Full or Half Packaged Timothy Hay bale. The dimensions are approximately 14" x 9" x 20" and roughly 10 lbs.


1 - 50 bales : $15 / bale

51+ : Call Us

Trail Riding Certified Hay

Our Trail Riding Certified Hay bales are primarily used when traveling with equines into western states. Most public lands require the use of Certified Noxious Weed Free Hay    

1 - 5 bales : $18 / bale

6+ bales : $15 / bale

Straw Products

Certified Type 3 Mulch - Small Squares

MnDOT certified Type 3 mulch (MnDOT Spec. 3882.1) consists of clean grain straw (i.e. oats, wheat) that is certified by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association (MCIA) to be noxious weed free. These bales are primarily used for ground cover to help with erosion. Each bale is mark with a tag that identifies it as a certified bale. These bales weigh an average of 37 lbs. 

$10 / bale


35 lbs. Packaged Straw - Small Squares

Our bright, clean packaged straw is mostly used for decorations, straw bale gardening or bedding for small animals. We package up this product to ensure your vehicle does not get full of straw during transport. Bales weigh about 35 to 40 lbs.

$15 / bale

Hammer Hay
Hammer Hay
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